Friday, July 17, 2009

Giving up on the tomatoes

Two of my blogger friends have posted beautiful pictures of their respective tomato plants this week. I have nothing to show.

In fact, I gave up on the plants.

A few days ago, I sent out a desperate e-mail for help to a co-worker. "Would you like to have my plants?" I asked him. A few hours later, he was at my house ready to take the pots of non-descript gray-green stuff off my hands. I gave him the almost dead ones from the front porch, but I also gave him the four prosperous looking ones from my kitchen window (after sticking in a painter's stick and tying the plants together with a Christmas ribbon).

Perhaps my friend will have better luck. He has been very successful at growing pumpkins in the past, so I put my faith in his "green hands."


Bubbie53 said...

Hello Viktoria,
I transplanted your robust tomato stalks the day after I got them from you. I transplanted the weaker stalks the next day. I wanted to transplant all the stalks on the first day; however, I needed to get ready for work.
I added organic fertilizer to the holes where I placed your plants. I massaged topsoil around the top of the soil. (Yes, I sound redundant.) The robust stalks are responding well. They are growing straight as plants are supposed to do. The spindly stalks are not responding well. They are growing more parallel to the earth than perpendicular to the earth. I have been watering your tomato stalks. I will keep caring for them, and keep informing you of their status.

Bubbie53 said...

July 25.

Hello Viktoria,
I picked three ripe tomatos from my father's stalk. I asked him if I could give the sperical red fruits to you and Albie; yes, I can.
I am growing radishes, sunflowers, pumpkins and watermelons. I cannot give you a sunflower at this late in the season. My sunflowers are growing quickly: as much as two inches (4.5cm) per day. My tallest sunflower plants stand about five feet seven inches (168 centimeters) as of when I arrived home from work today at 2 a.m. I picked about a dozen radishes yesterday. I would like to give these zesty vegetables to you and Albie. My pumpkin plants are growing very rapidly. I estimate that my pumpkin plants' main vines are growing up to three inches (7.5 cm) per day. My pumpkin plants' tendrils are wrapping themselves around my metal fence and wooden posts. If I were to sit still next to my pumpkin patch for a long enough period of time, I might have some pumpkin tendrils wrapping themselves around me. About ten days ago, I was tending to my pumpkin patch, removing weeds and adding topsoil to the lower spots. I was laying on the earth as this enables me to see the ground underneath the huge pumpkin leaves. As I looked up to get more topsoil, I saw a great blue heron in my yard where our land meets the lake. I uttered "woah" or something to that effect, and the gargantuan creature spread its wings and departed. I estimate this particular great blue heron had a wingspan of at least 60 inches (150 centimeters). My watermelon plants are not growing much, as they are shielded by the pumpkin leaves.
I hope you are doing well.