Sunday, May 4, 2008

Extreme weather

Hearing about recent tornados and cyclones in the world, I started thinking about extreme weather.

Last year, we had a huge hail storm here in Connecticut (see Albie's mom's photo above). We also had about a week's worth of rain in a couple of days, which caused severe flooding for a few hours (see my crappy photo from a local gas station located next to a hill).

Then everything dried up and went back to normal.

The funny thing is, the East Coast of the United States isn't even that extreme. The weather here is considered "normal" - we have four seasons with sun, rain, wind and snow. It's when you live in the South or the Midwest you have to worry about storms that will blow the roof off your house.

A few years ago, the people in Florida were hit with three tornados within a few months. Many went back to their homes after the first one and started cleaning up the mess, just to have to evacuate again a few weeks later.

Well, that was all before Hurricane Katrina. Now storms are taken a bit more seriously.

But when will we ever learn to listen to nature? I am sure the increase in severe weather has to do with man's activities on Earth. Until we learn to live in peace with nature, she will always punish us for what we have done.

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