With the exception of “Super Nanny,” I’m not into reality TV. I hate watching glamorous girls compete to be the “Next Top Model” or the “Next Pussycat Doll,” and I don’t really seeing people “Dancing with the Stars.” The housemates of “Big Brother” just give me the creeps, and the singers on “American Idol” can’t grab my attention for more than a few seconds.
I do, however, watch “The Bachelor” – the cheesiest of all “reality” shows. I don’t usually watch the entire season since I find it hard to keep track of 25 girls. I prefer to start watching during “the hometown dates,” when there are four girls left who each get to bring the bachelor home to their parents. After that, there are only two shows left, and I am not wasting an entire spring watching TV.
This season, young financier Matt Grant came over from England to find the American girl of his dreams to settle down with. I saw the first show by accident while I was at the gym. As 25 flirty girls stepped out of an oversized limousine in their slutty evening gowns to greet the eager and handsome 27-year-old Englishman, I was hooked.
“I can’t believe that show is still on,” my dentist said during a recent visit.
The only reason a guy goes on that show is to see how many of the girls he can sleep with, she said. None of the relationships work out, she said, because as soon as the “chosen one” finds out that the bachelor slept with one, five or all of the other girls during the taping of the show, she dumps him.
I googled the previous bachelors, and it seems my dentist was right. None of the other ones made it. One couple is still together, but have called off the engagement because they “just weren’t ready yet,” according to a celebrity magazine. Oh no, wait, they broke up a few months later.
Last season’s bachelor didn’t even pick a girl at the end. In a first-ever ‘Bachelor’ finale, he sent both finalists home without a ring. I think that was my favorite so far.
It can’t be easy watching yourself on television when the show finally airs – for either one of them.
I think I enjoy the show so much because of the intrigue – so many girls living together and fighting over one guy. It’s also fun when the girls say really stupid things, like, “we’ll make it work, somehow.” Perhaps it is the joy of carefully examining the editing, wondering what was left out at the end of the day…Or perhaps it is just that I happen to have Monday nights off from work and can waste an hour of my evening watching crappy television.
I watch the reality show "Flipping out" about a "flipper" in L.A who buys houses, rebuilds them and sells them. His business partner and co-workers are his friends, he loves his pets, and he always calls a medium to bless new homes. Fascinating.
Har också svårt för dokusåpor. En av dom få som jag har tittat på är faktiskt top model. Mest för att mode och fotografering intresserar mig. Och det är alltid kul att se Tyra Banks som har 0 självdistans vara allt från fotograf och domare till doktor och psykolog.
Men jag tror aldrig jag har sett ett enda helt program. När tjejerna börjar bråka eller bli allt för pinsamma brukar jag byta kanal.....
AB>> The "Flipping out" show sounds cool. I have never even heard of it. Have to Google it now.
Maria>> Tyra Banks is cool, but the show gets a bit annoying, like you said.
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