I got all my giftwrapping paper, labels, ribbons and seven late Christmas presents bought today for less than $35! Can't beat that.
Of course, it's not like in Sweden, where Dec. 26 is equal to America's Black Friday - the day after Thanksgiving. You can get clothes, electronics... anything for a really good deal.
Tomorrow (or later today for some of you), Albie and I will go to Sports Authority so he can get himself socks and my Christmas present - a pair of new winter boots.
REALITY CHECK: I wouldn't necessarily advertise the fact that you spent less than $5 each on seven Christmas gifts after Christmas was over. I mean, why bother? AND what's up with you and Albie giving your mother-in-law-to-be a RUBBER RAT! for Christmas and nothing else? And your father-in-law-to-be a sign/plaque that basically makes fun of his life's work? Don't you think these choices were tacky and insulting? They did.
Reality check??? Perhaps if you are going to post rude and insensitive comments on someone's blog, you should at least have the courage to sign your name to them instead of acting like a whimp.
You might also want to work on staying out of things that are none of your business. From now on, I might have to change this blog to only allow for subscribers so I can keep people like you away.
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