Thursday, September 3, 2009

Little boy turns 21

When I first came to the United States, the boy I was about to babysit was a few days shy of his 10th birthday. Today, he turned 21.

I can't take too much credit for his success in life since I was only his live-in nanny for two years, but I'm very proud to say that he's now a grown man with an interest in accounting and politics. He is the vice president of the student government at his pretty prestigious university, and he has a job working at a school in Harlem to learn how to manage a nonprofit organization.

He has his own apartment, and his girlfriend since four years goes to college in Massachusetts.

When I spoke to him on the phone today, we were both on our way to important meetings and disussed the benefits of driving a stick-shift vs. cruising around in an automatic car because you have more control. Like an adult, he politely asked me about work and about life.

We parted to attend to more important things in life, and I took a few moments to just reflect over this amazing boy who seems to have grown up so fast.

At this moment, I feel just like any proud parent would. Except that I'm not. But kind of, in a way.


Anne Sofie said...

How time flies... but during these years you have both achieved so much. Be proud of yourself too!

kajsamaria said...

oj oj, kommer faktiskt ihåg den lille killen som kom o hälsade på oss med dig och som tyckte det var roligt att trycka på stopp-knappen på spårvagnen :D

Unknown said...

Nej, nu ljuger du! Han kan inte vara 21... Minns precis som Kajsa när ni var här och hälsade på och vi övertalade honom att följa med på Gasten. Vi bara: Nej, den är inte aaaaaalls läskig. Och han (och vi) blev skiträdda! Några andra minnevsärda citat från honom då var: "I wanna go on the flume!" och "I hate my school books, I want to burn them!". Fun times :D.