Sunday, December 30, 2007

More home improvements

After Christmas we got a little energy boost to continue our home improvements in our condo. The dining room is our next project, so Friday night was spent sanding all the wood trim and putting primer on it. Albie painted two coats of pure white semi-gloss on top of that on Saturday, and today I added another two coats.

Perhaps the most important thing is that we got to cover up the ugly stenciled flowers with some white primer. The yellow paint (perhaps the one shown as a dot on the wall between the door and the window) will cover it up nicely, we hope.

Ugly brown spindles separating the dining room from the living room were removed one by one today, much to the liking of our kittens. Pip, our black panther, decided it was best he checked out what was going on and climbed up in our tree to be on level with the spindles.

The first three times, I dragged him out of the tree and plopped him back onto the floor. The fourth time I let him sit there on the branches while I ran upstairs to get my camera.
To be continued...

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