Thursday, October 22, 2009

My new office

My new office is located in an old clocktower building, hence the beautiful antique stairs (that nobody ever uses because we have an elevator taking us straight to the fourth floor).
Everything is clean and new (as opposed to flooded and water damaged like in Torrington). I started decorating slightly last week, but the Ivar bookcase is currently leaning up against the window frame since I forgot to buy the metal cross that supports it!
Eventually, the books will go on the bookcase and there will be more plants in the window (there are 3 right now, but since they're against a dark background you can hardly see them).
The last picture shows my actual work space. I had two computers, but mostly just use my laptop. The second computer I had to give away to a new reporter - I just kept the nice widescreen monitor for show!

1 comment:

Anne Sofie said...

Beautiful stairs! I'd consider taking the stairs now and then just to enjoy the sight.