Friday, October 10, 2008

Breaking a record

I set a new personal record Wednesday. Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook have already read about it. For the rest of you, here's what happened.

After a 12-hour day Tuesday, I slept in ang got in "late" on Wednesday - 2:45 p.m. I don't technically start until 4, but since after the editor and city editor left, I've made it a habit to come in a bit earlier. Our new editor, Jordan, started on Monday, but he was off Wednesday because of Yom Kippur (important Jewish holiday).

Since Jordan started, things are a bit less stressful. So despite getting stuck in traffic because of construction, and despite almost running out of gas on Route 8 on my way to work, I felt...well, almost relaxed.

Then I found out that our publisher had upped the paper with four pages because he thought we had a lot of ads.

I can do an entire 20-page paper by myself, which is only about 12 pages when you subtract sports and pages like comics and classifieds (which are done by another department). Heck, I can even do a 20-page paper by myself when I have most of my 16-page weekly tab to get out, considering I've done some work on the tab in advance.

Well, on Wednesday, I found out that I can also do a 24-page paper by myself (16 broadsheet pages of actual work for me) in addition the tab, when I've done almost no prep work for the tab at all. And it was all done by 12:47 a.m. - only 2 minutes after deadline.

Today I took a half day off to go home and watch the season premiere of "CSI." I also e-mailed the publisher to not EVER do that to me again.

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